at 38c3

Tinkering with microReticulum
12-30, 11:00–12:30 (Europe/Berlin), CDC Pentagon

A hands-on workshop on Micro Reticulum.

Currently most if not all wireless nodes on the reticulum network consist of two large components:
- some MCU dev board with a RF transceiver (for example an RNode running on a ESP32 board with a Lora module).
- a regular CPU running the network stack and all layers above (for example a raspberry PI).

microReticulum is aiming to run a network stack on the MCU itself so an additional CPU interfacing with it becomes optional.
This massively reduces size, weight, and power requirements of reticulum (transport-)nodes and thus gives new options of deployment.

In this workshop we will
- explain the current architecture of a reticulum network
- discuss the place microReticulum has in it
- install microReticulum on some boards to tinker with
- hopefully spark interest so developers start hacking the parts that are still missing

Chris has been tinkering in all things IT, self hosting, building infrastructure, hydroponics and queer politics for more than 30 years.
He did not find the time (or focus?) to make a HAM license, yet, but has been planning to do so next year™️ at each congress for a decade or so.

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